VRay is 3D rendering software created in Bulgaria with advanced features for visualizing photorealistic jewelry renderings with fast lighting and shade effects. Due to cutting edge features and efficient rendering speed of 50% you can get quality jewelry model visualization.

VRay render was originally written as a plugin for the trace of light. But then authors realized that they have turned not just a plugin. But the fastest router in existence (even to this day). Then simply plug in quickly grew into renderer, which is still liked by every jewelry CAD designer in the alpha versions.

Among modern rendering programs VRay is the most popular. Far from exaggerating we can say that VRay is popular as much as all the other renderers: mental ray, finalRender and brasil r/s together. This fact is more surprising and remarkable when considering that the algorithm and the core programs were developed with just a few people.

You should start with the fact that there is no single opinion about the purpose of any rendering settings Each author sets up its own way, depending on the situation, the problem and the fact that is to get models quality. In order to fully understand all the nuances and subtleties may take a whole bunch of time. There is an official HELP and the sea of ​​information on the network.

HDRI Rendering VRay for 3D jewelry

In VRay for rendering dynamic range result is responsible Clamp output function. Clamp output allows you to cut the high brightness values ​​outside the RGB color space and, thus, influence the outcome of some of the better effects. But this is true only when we render in a normal dynamic range, in common LDR image of 3D jewelries. In the case of the HDR, Clamp output will cut the real value of brightness. Therefore, for HDRI rendering in a full 32-bit color format the checkbox Clamp output must be switched off.

Photo-realistic rendering through V-Ray

Photo-realistic lighting is one of the most difficult perspectives to reach in the creation of photorealistic 3D jewelry models. One of the preliminary steps of realistic scene lighting is to create distinctly different (between light and dark) areas: this is called depth of coverage.

In order to achieve good depth, just make sure that light sources are spaced in sufficient distance from each other. And also do test renders when creating each light, and in addition, when changing any key parameters.

Shadows for jewelries in V-Ray

Although it may take a little more time, but soft shadows (Soft Shadows) are usually used to make a more realistic jewelry rendering. To create soft shadows just scroll down the options till Shape / Area shadows and change the type Emit Light to Disc. The radius of the disk will control the softness of the shadows: sharp shadows = low values, soft shadows = high values.

To control the intensity just open the Intensity / Color / Attenuation and scroll till group Dimming. Turn Resulting Intensity option and increase its value.

Do test renders after the change of each value in order to achieve the desired results of 3D jewelry. In addition to the IES-cards, make the lighting more realistic to help the photo. It is necessary to choose the color of the source with reference to the photo.

To do this, load the photo to start a dialogue in through the View Image File … in the Rendering menu.

Reduced time on rendering

In addition to the simple material override slot, you can reduce the image quality and the general settings of visualization to accelerate the rendering process. The idea of ​​this technique is not to spend a lot of time to test all materials, reflections and light sources. Simply set everything in any one area and just copy all around the stage.

Testing renders after the addition of each source help users of VRray understand the impact of sources. As well as set them in the future if necessary to compose the desired 3D jewelry. This prevents common errors from the overexposure of certain areas of the scene, when the source is too much, or they are too close to each other.

It should also be noted that the lighting is to set the basic parameters of the corresponding objects (for example, UVW Mapping). This speeds up the work.

Why V-Ray

The main objective of any rendering program is the calculation of lightening and color of 3D model. This task is very difficult. Computational methods of computer graphics have come a long way of evolutionary development, before reaching the current level of photorealistic image synthesis in computer.

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