Jewelry bas-relief design is one of the key services that we are providing at CADMaster. Whether you want to order bas-relief design on a pendant, ring or coin our imaginative artists will take your idea, spice with rich experience and present you impressive lifelike virtual presentations of your design idea.

To start your jewelry bas-relief design we accept scans, drawings, images, adobe files and even descriptive paragraphs. We then take your ideas and turn them into something truly special for your approval. We keep contact with you during the design process not to miss even a tiny detail. We can also provide you with the photorealistic photo and video rends of your jewelry or coin bas-relief design.

To see examples of the fine detail and quality of our work, you can view images of some of our products by navigating our online gallery: all pieces are designed by our creative and professional bas-relief artists.

With us you don’t need to be an artist to create your custom jewelry design

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